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Ethiopia Health Sector Transformation Ethiopia Health Sector Transformation Plan HOT

The health sector transformation plan, in line with our country’s second growth and transformation plan (GTPII), has set ambitious goals to improve equity, coverage and utilization of essential health services, improve quality of health care, and enhance the implementation capacity of the health sector at all levels of the system. A focus in quality and equity requires a shift in the status quo to drive improvements at national scale over the next five years. A national health care quality strategy will be developed to guide our investment towards safer, more effective, more accessible, and more equitable care for every Ethiopian by 2020. We will also produce annual reports about the state of health inequality in Ethiopia to bring political attention and accountability in the sector.


One Health Ethiopia

Ethiopia increasingly has embraced the One Health approach to prevent, detect, and respond to existing and emerging threats. With the support of partners, the GoE formally established the National One Health Steering Committee (NOHSC) in 2017. 


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