Recognizing the Connection Between Human and Animal Health in a Shared Environment

Envisioning an Ethiopia with negligible risks and impacts of endemic, emerging and re-emerging health threats at the human, animal, and environment interface.

Featured Resource


One Health Behaviors - ZBRA

The Zoonotic Behavioral Resource Assessments (ZBRA) toolkit is a repository for research on select zoonotic diseases with an emphasis on risk and prevention behaviors, individual and sociocultural drivers, and the policy and communication environment that influences those behaviors. The purpose of ZBRA is to strengthen behavioral research on priority zoonotic diseases in order to inform evidence-based risk communication and community engagement.

One Health Ethiopia Key Pillars

Coordination and Collaboration

To ensure effective and functional One Health coordination mechanisms at all levels by 2022

Surveillance and Reporting

Establish and strengthen integrated multisectoral surveillance systems by 2022

Research and Capacity Building

Conduct joint research projects on prioritized zoonotic diseases and other health threats at the animal-human-environment interface by 2020

Preparedness and Response

Establish and strengthen multisectoral and multidisciplinary capacities at all levels for timely detection of and rapid response to emerging and re-emerging priority threats at the human-animal-environment interface by 2021

Policy, Advocacy, and Communication

Improve enabling policy environment across all collaborating sectors for the implementation of One Health by 2022

One Health Ethiopia

Ethiopia increasingly has embraced the One Health approach to prevent, detect, and respond to existing and emerging threats. With the support of partners, the GoE formally established the National One Health Steering Committee (NOHSC) in 2017. 


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