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Ethiopian One Health Risk Communication Stra Ethiopian One Health Risk Communication Strategy HOT

This One Heath Risk Communication Strategy demonstrates the government’s commitment to action and marks a new beginning of risk communication to prevent and contain emergency health threats in Ethiopia. The document outlines proposed activities to be implemented in the next five years (2021–2025) under five strategic objectives, in alignment with the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) multisector risk communication Joint External Evaluation (JEE) indicators, to reduce the risks and impacts of public health threats. The strategy document will facilitate consistent communication between partners and inform the design of messages and activities to raise awareness, promote healthy behaviors, and mobilize communities to act during any health threat emergency. 


One Health Ethiopia

Ethiopia increasingly has embraced the One Health approach to prevent, detect, and respond to existing and emerging threats. With the support of partners, the GoE formally established the National One Health Steering Committee (NOHSC) in 2017. 


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